What Zoey’s Place does

The one place where everyone comes together

The guiding principle of all CACs is everyone comes together for the benefit of a child or young person.

Here, a multidisciplinary team (MDT) coalesces around a set of common goals:

  • Listen to what happened before, during, and after an allegation of child abuse or child sexual assault.
  • Protect and help the child in a time of need.
  • Help the non-offending family members move forward.
  • Help prosecutors and law enforcement develop a case for justice.
A red haired young girl stands against a white background in a gray shirt facing the camera.

Forensic interviews

Forensic interviews are the primary reason Child Advocacy Centers exist. Kids and teens are brought to Zoey’s Place to talk with a forensic interviewer after an allegation of abuse or neglect or because they witnessed a crime.

Learn more about forensic interviews

The core service of the CAC

Always free to Zoey’s Place clients

Evidence-based and proven to help

Conducted by highly-trained forensic interviewers

Child and Family Advocacy

Everyone’s first contact at the CAC starts with a Child and Family Advocate. These highly-trained professionals understand childhood development, know virtually every resource available around region, and can help with everything from transportation costs to priority health referrals.

Learn more about Advocates

Your first contact at a CAC

Available at no cost to families

A personal, 1:1 contact

Available during and long after the interview

Physical and mental health referrals

Regardless of your health insurance status, Zoey’s Place has the ability to connect our clients with priority medical and mental health care.

If you do have insurance, you may qualify for more sessions, but everyone gets the option when it’s in the best interest of the child.

Learn more about health referrals

Optional but recommended

Delivered at low or no-cost to families

Insurance not required

Available after the forensic interview

For the well-being of every child


734 N State Street
Greenfield, IN  46140

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