Your donation supports more than Zoey’s Place.
It supports a mission.
Every dollar you donate to Zoey’s Place directly funds critical missions to prevent and investigate child abuse, neglect, and child sexual assault.
We appreciate all donations. Monthly contributions are most helpful to our budgeting.
All donations are tax-deductible, and you’ll receive an annual giving statement before tax filing time.
All donations are tax-deductible. You can also make a monthly snack donation.
Email or contact us with questions.

Here’s what your donation can do
Life-changing forensic interviews
Forensic interviews are often the first time a child is truly heard after an allegation of abuse or maltreatment.
Your donation supports these mission-critical and highly specialized interviews, staff training, and comfortable spaces for kids and families.
One-of-a-kind Victim Advocacy
Mental health, physical health, housing, food, transportation, safety, and more are often urgent needs after an allegation of abuse tears at the fabric of a family.
Our Victim Advocate is there, ready to make calls, and connect people with the help they deserve.
Abuse prevention education
Indiana law requires all students in every school to receive age-appropriate, evidence-based abuse prevention education.
We’re expanding direct-to-classroom prevention education to help schools, kids, and Hancock County prevent abuse.
Have a bigger idea? Contact us!
Want to make a bigger donation, set up a corporate giving program, match donations, or have another idea? We’re open to every kind of support.
You can also contact us about estate planning and other in-kind donations.